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Title: The Mood Organ
Size: 24″ x 12″ x 8″
Media: Fluorescent Tubes, Color Plastic Filters, Plaster, Enamel Paint, Steel, Wire

I started making this piece a few weeks ago while still partially deaf from the Dan Deacon concert at Cake Shop.  Apparently the show knocked some craziness loose in my head and this is the result.  This piece is part painting, part sculpture, and part architecture model.  Intended to be a table lamp, it uses amber  colored plastic tubes to soften the light from the fluorescent tubes.  The name of piece derives itself from a device mentioned in Phillip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? In it, the characters have a small tabletop fixture where they can dial in whatever emotion they wish to feel.  This novel was also the basis for the movie Blade Runner.  (Nerd Alert)